It is not common practice for people to use or even have access to checks when doing everyday things like grocery shopping or paying bills. Nevertheless, checks remain a standard method of payment for many firms.
Regrettably, fraudsters are aware of this, and checks are a common target. Businesses in the modern era implement stringent security measures to lessen their vulnerability to fraud. Check fraud occurs much less frequently than credit card fraud but typically causes much more financial harm.
This article will discuss why and how using high-security alpha checks and image secure will help you maintain an enhanced security check stock. Keep reading to find out more.
Checks like yours are a prime target for criminals, so they must be as safe as possible. Standard checks lack some fundamental security measures, but high-security checks are made to thwart fraud attacks and can give you the security you require.
Since even a relatively small business may need to print a large number of pay slips each month, anyone involved in the process is at increased risk of falling victim to check fraud.
Businesses must maximize the use of their systems by taking all necessary precautions to keep them secure. For those who do not take precautions against check fraud, criminal tactics like “check-washing” are more likely to affect them than you think.
With the prevalence of data crimes on the rise, it is more important than ever to take measures to safeguard against fraudulent check writing. Alpha’s line of checks uses modern technology to protect your money better.
So, if you’re wondering why you need enhanced security check stock, here are some explanations for why you ought to change immediately.
The ability to successfully forge a valid check is crucial to the success of any check fraud scheme. Micro printing technology is among the best ways to prevent the unauthorized use of bank checks.
The security feature uses seemingly solid line borders that conceal micro-printed text such as “Safe Check,” which is only discernible under magnification. Alpha’s checks are significantly harder to forge than standard checks owing to the following crucial things:
Detailed borders
Intricate color patterns
Technology can facilitate or complicate a task, depending on the context. The copy-prevention technology used in high-security checks will render it more challenging for fraudsters to duplicate the checks using standard photocopiers, giving you a sense of safety and security.
When Alpha’s high-security checks are subjected to test solvents, the reactive ink on the back of the check fades away, warning the bank and check recipients that the check has been altered.
The seven security controls embedded in the foil hologram of all Alpha’s high-security checks make them nearly impossible to counterfeit. Thus, you are guaranteed that your business checks are safe.
Temperature can be a priceless asset when it comes to safeguarding your check. For instance, Alpha high-security checks contain photochromic ink that reacts to heat, rendering it easier to distinguish a genuine Alpha check from a fake one.
The pink thermochromatic ink that separates the two sides of the check disappears when it is exposed to more than 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Typically, a bank check’s front and back faces are printed in different hues. That implies that a recipient can tell whether a bank check is genuine or not by observing the check’s color.
Furthermore, Alpha checks have toner bonding which utilizes heat to bond the toner to the check, rendering it even more apparent if someone tries to lift it.
The EPA approves the use of a watermark certification seal. All protected checks will prominently display a watermark certification seal, fingerprint on the back, and appropriate warning clauses on both the front and back.
With the help of watermarks, it’s easy to verify the authenticity of a check. You can see the watermark feature when you hold the check to a light. The watermark notifies bankers whether the paper used for the bank check satisfies all requirements for the laser check printing process.
A false-positive spot on a high-security check allows companies and individuals to verify the check’s legitimacy by waving a black pen equipped with a light over the check’s surface.
A checkbox located beneath the endorse region on the backer enables account holders to monitor checks deposited via mobile deposit capture. Most banks have adopted the mobile mark because customers prefer mobile banking.
Alpha high-security checks use multi-pattern pantograph designs to ensure the highest level of security. The indicator is commonly found near the check’s signature and the amount line.
A complex design feature will cause the word “void” to appear in a series if the check has been copied using a single or even a full-color copier. As a result, the original check cannot be copied, scanned, or printed. The technology utilizes the various color settings available on copiers and scanners.
Fluorescent fibers in the paper used to print the check are one of the novel Alpha’s check security features. Multiple synthetic fluorescent fibers are typically used for this security technology, randomly placed on the surface of the bank check.
The fluorescent fibers intensify when exposed to a black light, guaranteeing the use of genuine paper and validating the authenticity of the bank check.
The amount line and the signature field are, without a doubt, the most crucial parts of all checks. Alpha high-security checks have safety features to safeguard against potential threats to the account holder, such as fraud.
It is standard practice to employ backgrounds for the designated areas, rendering it hard to replicate the original check without modification. The patent-protected technology uses multiple pantograph designs and takes advantage of the varying densities typically utilized by check-fraud-related equipment.
If your company issues or accepts payments via check, you should be wary of fraud. As per research, credit card fraud is more prevalent, but the financial impact of check fraud is usually significant, particularly for smaller businesses.
One hundred and fifty thousand dollars is the average loss reported by American small and medium-sized businesses. Since check fraud is rising, it’s essential to consider how to keep your company safe. Alpha high-security checks are one ideal alternative to ensure your business is not a victim of check fraud.
Compared to regular checks, high-security checks provide a much higher level of protection. Features on these business checks make it much harder for criminals to commit fraud and steal from your company.
Think about the difference between attempting to enter a home with an endearing wooden fence and one secured by electric gates, security alarms, a fearsome guard dog, and CCTV cameras. If you were a thief, you would always try to break into the first residence.
If a fraudster is offered the choice between a check with minimal security features and one with every conceivable security feature, they will always choose the more straightforward option.
Deterrents are frequently the most impactful defense mechanism. To avoid losing money, your company should use high-security checks, less appealing to fraudsters who won’t try to forge or alter them.
Altered checks are difficult to detect, one of the main problems with check fraud. It is straightforward to fall into the trap of believing a check is genuine when it’s not because fraudsters use advanced technologies to generate fake copies that look remarkably similar to the original.
According to the Better Business Bureau’s “top ten most dangerous frauds” list, check fraud is the second most dangerous type. If you use Alpha’s high-security business checks, the chances of losing money or tarnishing your company’s reputation by fraudsters will reduce.
When passing through Alpha high-security checks, fraudsters will be presented with a much more complicated task.
It’s usually best to adopt the maxim that prevention is better than cure and take all reasonable precautions to protect your business in an era where it’s already challenging to keep one afloat.
Faulty or insecure checks cause a significant portion of financial fraud, and businesses must take all necessary precautions to ensure their safety.
You only need a laptop, basic graphic design knowledge, an inkjet printer, and check paper, available at most retailers, to print counterfeit checks. In addition, fraudsters can find much of the data required to create a convincing fake check on online platforms.
Alpha is now offering a brand of high-security checks with unique features that reduce the likelihood of successful duplication to protect sensitive information’s confidentiality.
Each check in this series features several cutting-edge technologies with helpful additions. Some of these characteristics are also found in generic checks, but others are unique to the high-security brand, which help you in maintaining an enhanced security check stock.